This compact, benchtop ICP-OES provides simultaneous analysis of trace elements in a range of samples. The vertical torch orientation system delivers excellent robustness for both radial and dual view instruments with a corrosion-resistant inner torch box. The purged echelle polychromator and Charge Injection Device (CID) array detector provide high light throughput, resulting in excellent detection limits. The system includes:

  • A 3-channel, peristaltic pump for easy addition of an online internal standard or use of a hydride generation accessory.
  • A quick-release semi-demountable torch for easy maintenance.
  • A solid-state, free-running 27.12 MHz RF generator to ensure robust plasma generation for any sample matrix.
  • Three independent mass flow controllers (MFC) for precision control of the nebulizer, plasma, and auxiliary gas and to ensure long-term stability.
  • An interlock drain sensor to shut down the system if a leak in the sample path is detected and to prevent samples being lost.
  • An echelle polychromator that is thermostatically controlled to ensure long-term stability and reduce the need for recalibration.
  • A cross-dispersing prism combined with an echelle to provide a resolution of 7 pm and minimize interferences.
  • A random-access CID imager provides full wavelength coverage from 167.021 to 852.145 nm.
  • Thermo Scientific™ Qtegra™ Intelligent Scientific Data Solution™ (ISDS) Software, providing an easy-to-navigate platform that allows the analyst to add wavelengths, create methods, analyze samples and post-process the data while the spectrometer is acquiring data.


A bench top simultaneous ICP spectrometer with a vertical torch, a purged echelle polychromator and Charge Injection Device (CID) array detector. It includes:

  • a 4-channel, peristaltic pump to allow for the use of an advance accessories.
  • a solid-state, free-running 27.12 MHz RF generator to ensure robust plasma generation for any sample matrix.
  • three independent MFCs to precisely control the nebulizer, plasma, and auxiliary gas and to ensure long-term stability.
  • the option to add an additional gas to the plasma via an integrated MFC with a flow of 0-0.25 L/min. This enables analysis of high-salt samples (up to 30% TDS) or organics.
  • an interlock drain sensor to shut down the system if a leak in the sample path is detected and to prevent samples from being lost.
  • an echelle polychromator that is thermostatically controlled to ensure long-term stability and reduce the need for recalibration.
  • a cross-dispersing prism combined with an echelle to provide a resolution of 7 pm and minimize interferences.
  • a random-access CID imager that provides full wavelength coverage from 167.021 to 852.145 nm.
  • an enhanced UV mode to allow better sensitivity and detection limits for elements between 167.021 and 240.063 nm via a second UV focused exposure.
  • Thermo Scientific™ Qtegra™ Intelligent Scientific Data Solution™ (ISDS) Software, providing an easy-to-navigate platform that allows the analyst to add wavelengths, create methods, analyze samples and post-process the data while the spectrometer is acquiring data.