iCE™ 3300 AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
The Thermo Scientific™ iCE™ 3300 AAS provides a complete elemental analysis solution incorporating simplicity and an innovative design to achieve superior performance. The iCE 3300 AAS makes even the most complicated analyses simple. The high precision, double beam optics provide unrivalled performance, unparalleled detection limits and exceptional optical stability. The innovative hardware design minimizes the footprint of the instrument and ensures that day-to-day analysis and maintenance is simple and minimal. Safety comes as standard with integrated hardware safety features and automatic MFC gas controls.
Dedicated Flame
A single flame atomizer AAS with a fully automatic MFC gas box, the iCE 3300 AAS Flame system delivers a complete solution for laboratories with a primary requirement for flame analysis.
Dedicated Furnace
The cost effective iCE 3300 AAS Graphite Furnace system provides a complete solution for laboratories with a main need for elemental analysis by furnace.
- Increase your sample through-put and limit downtime with productivity enhancing technology.
- Optimization routines can be included in the method to ensure truly optimal parameters
- Thermo Scientific™ SOLAAR™ software offers ultimate ease-of-use with extensive help functions, automated performance controls and wizards
- Self-calibrating monochromators and auto-aligning lamps offer simple optical setup and optimum light throughput in dedicated Flame system
- Parts-per-billion ultra-trace detection capability from dedicated Graphite Furnace system
- Gain even greater efficiency from hardware and accessories designed to maximize cost efficiency.
- Fully automatic gas control system ensures repeatable flame conditions and safety
- Configure the fully customizable auto-sampler to maximize through-put
- Designed to ensure lowest possible gas flows to significantly reduce cost of consumables
- Innovative Extended Lifetime Cuvettes (ELC) for reduced consumable costs, can be used for thousands of Graphite Furnace firings
- Unbeatable Flame performance with superior detection limits and a fully inert sample system
- Graphite Furnace obtains drift free results from automated cuvette heating control meaning, for accurate, repeatable analysis
- Guaranteed Deuterium background correction for high accuracy
- Flame option uses a universal finned titanium burner to enable the use of both air/acetylene and nitrous oxide/acetylene flame types and maintains a stable, reproducible flame
- Graphite Furnace TV (GFTV) real time viewing enables precise analysis, time after time

iCE™ 3400 AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
- Dedicated furnace with parts-per-billion ultra-trace detection capability
- Six lamp auto-aligning carousel to maximize light through-put
- Run unattended, automated analysis with fully configurable auto-sampler
- SOLAAR software provides incredible support with wizards, optimization routines and automated performance controls
- Innovative Extended Lifetime Cuvettes (ELC) for reduced consumable costs, can be used for thousands of firings
- Run analysis with just micro-liters of sample to minimize consumable consumption
- Gas flows with intelligent software controls keep usage low
- GFTV real time viewing enables precise analysis, time after time
- Guaranteed Deuterium and Zeeman background correction for high accuracy
- Vapour system and electrically heated cell can be utilised in this model
- Drift free results from automated cuvette heating control meaning, for accurate, repeatable analysis
- Advanced Echelle optical system for precise measurements

iCE™ 3500 AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
- Software-controlled changeover from flame to furnace analysis, without an operator even in the room
- Run unattended, automated analysis with fully configurable auto-sampler
- SOLAAR software provides incredible support with wizards, optimization routines and automated performance controls
- Six lamp auto-aligning carousel for maximum light throughput
- Innovative Extended Lifetime Cuvettes (ELC) for reduced consumable costs, can be used for thousands of firings
- Run analysis with just micro-liters of sample to minimize consumable consumption
- Gas flows with intelligent software controls keep gas usage to a minimum
- GFTV real time viewing enables precise analysis, time after time
- The unique dual atomizer design provides a second sample compartment where the furnace can be left permanently aligned and ready for use
- D2 background correction for flame and furnace analysis as standard
- Zeeman background correction available for furnace work, from the optional Thermo Scientific™ GFS35Z™ furnace upgrade
- Double beam optics with a dual monochromators consisting of an Echelle prism and a grating
General Information
Perform efficient, accurate trace elemental analysis. If you seek a truly cost effective solution for efficient, accurate trace elemental analysis, look no further than the Thermo Scientific™ iCE 3000 Series AAS. With dedicated flame, furnace or combined flame and furnace options, these fast, easy-to-use and fully automated AAS analyzers offer refreshingly good value for your money.