RadEye™ G Series
Continuously monitor your radiation exposure in any nuclear or radiological emergency. The Thermo Scientific™ RadEye™ G Series of personal radiation detectors provide first responders with quick, reliable gamma and dose rate measurements. These light-weight, handheld Geiger counters detect and measure very low gamma energies; even the smallest change in radiation rates are displayed immediately, while coincidentally occurring fluctuations are suppressed. For hazmat teams investigating potentially explosive atmospheres, intrinsically safe RadEye G models meet the latest ATEX standards
Dose rate range: G (G-10): 50μR/h to 10R/h (5μSv/h to 100mSv/h)
Dose rate range: GF (GF-10): 0.5mR/h – 300R/h (5μSv/h – 3Sv/h)
Energy range: G/ GF – 45 keV – 3MeV
Energy range: G-10/GF-10 – 50keV – 3MeV
Gamma sensitivity: G (G-10) – 17cps per mR/h (1.7 cps per μSv/h)
Gamma sensitivity: GF (GF-10) – 1.3cps per mR/h (0.13 cps per μSv/h)

RadEye™ NL Personal Highly Sensitive Neutron Radiation Detectors
Neutrons are used for material characterization in geological and geochemical sciences, material sciences and medical research. Personnel who work with neutron radiation need special instrumentation to monitor their radiation exposure and provide rapid warning of neutron radiation fields. The Thermo Scientific™ Radeye™ NL Personal Highly Sensitive Neutron Radiation Detectors complement passive and active neutron dosimeters and can be easily used by anyone working with industrial neutron sources, staff and inspectors of nuclear facilities, first responders and law enforcement officers.
The RadEye NL Personal Highly Sensitive Neutron Radiation Detector closes a gap in the classical product spectrum of the radiation measurement technology. While traditional Rem-Counters are usually heavy and bulky, the RadEye NL detector is compact and lightweight. Users (e.g. service staff) who travel on commercial aircraft can use the RadEye NL as it has a He-3 counting tube with a filling pressure of 2.5 bar.
The RadEye NL detector can be worn at the body in an optional holster using the users body as moderator. An optional moderator with handle is available for use outside the holster for search and find applications. A dose rate calibration factor can be entered for use in know neutron radation fields in reference to a calibrated neutron dose rate meter such as a remball.
High Sensitivity for Neutron Radiation
Rapid warning of neutron radiation fields.
Applicable as an Area Monitor.
Exceeds the neutron response requirements of ISO 22188.
Ideal complement to passive and active neutron dosimeters.
160g Lightweight with Low Power Technology
Always ready for use — can be worn and operated in its holster.
Hands-free operation with no restriction of personal mobility.
Rapid scanning of changing field intensities.
Detection of neutron shielding deficiencies and source presence.
Ideal complement to Rem-Counters.
No Spill-over from Gamma Radiation up to 10 mSv/h (1 R/h)
Ideal for verification of neutron fields when dealing with unknown radiation sources.
No false “Neutron Alarm.”
Can be used in high gamma dose rate fields.
Sensitivity in Moderator | Cf-252 0.19 cps/μ Sv/h |
AmBe 0.15 cps/μ Sv/h | |
16.5 MeV 0.03 cps/μ Sv/h | |
Sensitivity when worn at the body | 1.5 cps/mrem/h for Cf-252 |
Gamma spill-over | < 0.2 cps at 100 mSv/h (10 R/h) Cs-137 radiation |
Measuring units | Count rate (cps) moving average over 10 s |
Mean value and peak value over any time period | |
Data display and recording | Linear and ADF-Ratemeter (Advanced Digital Filter) |
Mean and Peak value over any selected time period | |
Water/Dust Rating | IP65 |
Drop Distance on Concrete | 1.5m |
Operation time | (2 AAA alkaline batteries) |
500 h |
FHT 762 Wendi-2 Wide-Energy Neutron Detector
Thermo Scientific™ FHT 762 Wendi-2 Wide-Energy Neutron Detector features high sensitivity and an excellent energy and angular response provided by the WENDI-2 design originally developed at Los Alamos.
Fits to FHT 6020 area monitor and FH 40 G survey meter.
Combines excellent energy response in the “normal” energy range up to 15 MeV with a close match to H™(10) behavior up to 5 GeV.
- Thermal to 5 GeV energy range according to H™(10), ICRP 74
- High sensitivity due to large He-3 tube
- Excellent gamma rejection
- Design was originally developed at Los Alamos
- No significant spill-over needs to be considered for gamma dose rates up to 1 Sv/h
Measuring Range (Cf-252) | 1 nSv/h – 100 mSv/h (with FHT 642 and FH 40 G) |
Sensitivity (Cf-252) | 0.84 s-1/(μSv/h) |
Energy Range | 25 meV – 5 GeV according to ICRP 74 (1996) |
Angular dependence | ± 20 % all directions |
Gamma cross-sensitivity | < 5 •10-5 at 100 mSv/h (Cs 137) = i. e. less than 5 μSv/h neutron dose rate is displayed |
Filling Gas | He-3, 2 bar |
Dimensions/Weight | ø 230 mm x 340 mm [ø 9.1” x 13.4”] / 13.5 kg [29.8 lb] |
RadEye™ B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters
First responders need to quickly identify mixed radioactive surface contamination in facility and field environments. Thermo Scientific™ RadEye™ B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters are simple, robust, reliable contamination and dose rate measurement tools for characterizing alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiation. RadEye B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose handheld Geiger counters provide an on-site solution for homeland security personnel, fire brigades, emergency response personnel, agencies involved in decontamination and decommissioning projects and hospital and pharmaceutical industry employees.
RadEye B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters offer consistent, reliable results in any application requiring radiological surveys of flat surfaces. Model B20 is for normal measurements. Model B20-ER is for high-range measurements.
- Lightweight (300g), excellent grip with and without gloves.
- Rugged and compact design, thick rubber protective cover.
- Low cost of ownership with > 500 hour operation time with 2 AAA batteries – rechargeable NiMH-cells can be used.
- Menu-driven user interface results in low training cost and immediate familiarity.
- Huge internal data memory for both scaler results and continuous data recording.
- Bright backlit LCD display. Plain text messages and different languages can be selected.
- Easy adaptation to different tasks by supervisor configuration, calibration, selection of measuring units.
- Versatile operation modes:
Scaler/Timer with preset count and preset time for sample measurements.
Continuous ratemeter mode for frisker operation.
Dose rate mode.
- Audible indication: single pulse or chirper mode proportional to count rate.
- Earphone output for operation in loud environment.
- IR PC Interface or Bluetooth™ as option.
- Advanced Windows™ software is available as option.
Measurement types: alpha, beta, gamma and X-Ray detection. Optional energy compensated
filters for accurate dose rate readings
Dose rate energy range B20: 0-200mrem/h (0-2mSv/h)
Dose rate energy range B20-ER: 0-10rem/h (0-100mSv/h)
Contamination energy range B20: 0-10kcps
Contamination energy range B20-ER: 0-500kcps